Twice baked potatoes?
I'm thinking this blog is going to end up being more of a humorous series of stories of my attempts at cooking. For example, yesterday I decided to try making twice baked potatoes again and I even bought sour cream and a new potato masher this time so it would turn out better than the first time. Well I heard that if you put a slit in the potatoes before cooking they will cook faster so I did that and put them in the oven for an hour. After an hour, I took the pan out and because I had trouble scooping the potato stuff out last time without ripping the skins apart, I had Jacob try. Well he ended up ripping the skins all to pieces and by that time we were soo hungry we didn't care and put everything into a ceramic bowl skins and all plus cheese and sour cream. I also added lots of pepper and a little salt. We put the bowl in the oven for 20 minutes and just ate the mash as it was. It actually tasted super yummy. But I do feel like I should try again at some point and see how people are able to scoop out the potato stuff without ripping the skins to shreds. Should I let the potatoes cool for a certain amount of time? I do admit however that I was in a bit of a hurry because on Wednesdays there is a show I watch at 7 and I wanted to have dinner before then and also have William in bed. Major feat but I managed to accomplish that so it made up for my potato failure. Oh well, tonight I am going to make pasta, chicken with pesto sauce and some type of cheese. I don't think I can do anything too terrible to that but we will see, stay tuned...
At 3:10 PM, Annie said…
I always say, if fire wasn't involved, it was a success! Also, you don't have to follow recipes exactly - some of the best dishes are discovered this way. And when you make something that doesn't turn out exactly the way you thought it should, but it tastes good anyway, you call that "slah-boo" - it's sure to be a family favorite. :-)
My Mom used to call stuff for which she had no name, "donkey fuzzoo" -- don't know where she came up with that one but it stuck.
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